Star Safari, Wairarapa

Operating from within the Wairarapa Dark Sky Reserve, Star Safari Observatory offers a perfect retreat from light pollution and reveals a dazzling array of celestial wonders. This is one of the darkest locations accessible in Aotearoa.

Contact details

1169 Ponatahi Road,


+64 21 66 3808

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Opening hours

Open every day, 3 sessions a night, starting from sunset.

What's on offer

Two 16” reflectors,  two solar telescopes, we also have a 12” reflector, two 10” reflectors and an 8” refractor and some other small refractors.
When clouds obscure the skies, embark on a virtual journey with our planetarium software and VR headsets, transporting you to the Moon, the International Space Station and the Solar System.
Hari, an astrobiologist, and Sam, an astrophysicist, both seasoned space science communicators, share their passion for the cosmos.

Price: from $100.

15 years and under free. No minimum age limit.

Duration: 1.5 hours

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